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Recently, the video series "Terraced Surfing", planned by War Horse Sports World, has stirred up a wave of enthusiasm on the internet. It has triggered proactive reporting from authoritative media outlets such as Xinhua News Agency, lively discussions among netizens, and trending on platforms like Douyin (TikTok) and Weibo, breaking several data records


Each episode of War Horse Sports World features creatively designed extreme sports challenges. This time, the bold idea behind "Terraced Surfing" seamlessly merges the extreme sport of water surfing with the distinctive terraced fields of Guizhou, a region with strong ethnic characteristics in China. The goal is to craft an extreme sports challenge infused with a regional flavor unique to the Chinese culture.

The undulating terraced fields on the high plateau are unconventional surfing locations. War Horse invited water surfing athletes to showcase their skills on the picturesque, terraced fields, executing various maneuvers, such as high jumps over obstacles and 360-degree somersaults. The performance was smooth and seamlessly, which drew a large crowd of residents to watch and the behind-the-scenes footage quickly went viral on the internet. Not only did netizens express amazement, but it also prompted Xinhua News Agency to proactively publish the content on its official accounts on Weibo, Douyin, Toutiao, and WeChat Channel, achieving an instantaneous 86,000 likes for the video, making it the highest-liked video on the account in three days. Xinhua News Agency also created two hashtags, driving 35 media outlets, including Xinmin Evening News, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and National Defense Journal, to follow suit. With only a single day, the reading exceeded 4.13 million people and  the hashtag made it to the hot search list.



After capturing such a hot topic, War Horse responded quickly and actively engaged with official media and fans. They traced the video source with the trailer "The Light Steps on the Terraced Fields," therefore bundling the brand. With athlete interviews and acrobatic videos, the brand stimulated secondary in-depth reports from Xinhua News Agency, Guizhou News, and other media outlets. In response to fans' curiosity about the power source for terraced surfing, War Horse initiated a guessing game and the final episode triggered a buzz-worthy conclusion. With successive waves of fervor from media, fans, KOLs, the event ultimately sparked 251 media reports, reaching an exposure of 1.73 billion views, becoming a widely discussed and tracked event among netizens.



The authoritative marketing media, "ADQUAN.COM," reviewed the terraced event, stating, "High-quality marketing is the essential core that the brand wants to convey. With creative content to shorten the distance between the brand and the audience,  high exposure and brand volume through events could thus be achieved. By accurately grasping current social trends and user psychology, War Horse has successfully turned a social hot topic into a brand marketing event with full online participation. This is the most valuable part of the entire event."


Surfers attempting high-difficulty maneuvers on terraced water surfaces require high water levels, wide spaces between fields, and precise technical skills of the athletes. To protect the unique landform of the terraced fields, the size and fixed points of props must also be carefully considered, which further increases the difficulty of this challenge. Ultimately, the challenge was successfully completed, and surfer Luo Hui expressed great honor at being invited by War Horse to participate in this challenge. He also thanked War Horse for full support and energy provisions throughout, helping him achieve the goal of pushing his limits.


In the future, War Horse will remain committed to its brand philosophy, helping more creative, energetic, and resilient young people achieve their dreams, create high-quality content to inspire and encourage more young people to break through themselves and move forward courageously. War Horse, Your Absolute Energy Choice!
