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On May 28th, the first Xinjiang Strawberry Music Festival came to an end successfully. War Horse Energy Vitamin Beverage, a popular beverage among young people, energized the festival as the official drink sponsor.



War Horse + Xinjiang Strawberry Music Festival,  Far Beyond Music

Countless music fans have been eagerly anticipating this monumental event as it is the first  Strawberry Music Festival held in Xinjiang.

The line up included 25 bands and singers like Miserable Faith and Chenyue Chang, covering various music genres such as rock and pop. The festival set two stages, respectively the “Strawberry Stage” and the “Love Stage” with different lighting effects performed to the music groovethe atmosphere was still “lit” enough and the fans were fully into the live music performance regardless of the bad weather.

In addition, Xinjiangs local specialties and trendy drinks including War Horse Energy Vitamin Beverage, were widely available on-site, providing music fans with one-stop experience  about Xinjiang.


War Horse's on-site layout was also eye-catching. A huge speaker-shaped exhibit booth echoed with the live music, attracting a number of fans to stay and take photos. Meanwhile, the interactive activities of lots of fun further spiced up the event. On the first day of the festival, War Horse sales booth was jam-packed despite the blazing sun. Under such weather, having an iced War Horse was absolutely necessary to replenish energy so as to better enjoy the music performance.

As a fan remarked, "Thanks to the energy supply from War Horse, I danced all day long with the music but did not feel tired at all. And I found the interactive activities so fun. I could really feel the efforts that War Horse has made"



Xinjiang is a vital sales market of War Horse. This event led to a deeper and diverse communication between War Horse and local youth. As a result, the brand further conveyed the concept of “immediate energy supply, eternal passion to love”, which encouraged young people to taste War Horse while get to know about the functions of the product.

A Win-Win Cooperation That Inspires Young People to be Brave to Love

The Strawberry Music Festival, founded and developed by Modern Sky for over 15 years, is known as the most popular and well-known music festival brand in China with a consistent philosophy of staying young, open and diverse.

War Horse has found it a perfect match between the philosophy pursued by Modern Sky and the young and trendy brand image as well as the mission of assisting young people with energy supply of War Horse. Therefore, the collaboration this time has ended up with outstanding results beyond expectations based on a similar value chased by both brands.



Music + Energy,  a Summer of the Young and Passion

War Horse's original IP, War Horse Dare Moments has been continuously communicating with the young generation in trendy fields. This time at Xinjiang Strawberry Music Festival, it is a further exploration in music industry, a kind of experience of both energy drink and live music, and a spirit journey for young people who dare to play and love.



In the future, War Horse will keep exploring sports, e-sports and other trendy fields and inspiring young people to be brave to love with immediate energy supply.